Become a Member
Becoming a member of a local church is important. Peter encouraged the elders in 1 Peter 5:2 to “shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight.” The members of a local church, then, will be believers, part of God’s flock. They will be “among us” and expressing a desire to be part of the local body and committing themselves to the loving oversight of its elders.
We encourage you to visit Antioch for a number of weeks, attending the Sunday morning worship and getting involved in a weekly home group. Take part in as many of the other ministries of the church as you are able, and mostly pray about whether God is calling you to this gathering of His people. There are “New Members’ Classes” offered during the year, as needed. Let the pastor or one of the elders know when you are ready to attend those classes, and when you have completed them (normally the class meets 2-3 times), you will become a member on the first Sunday morning after the class, if that is your desire. We look forward to serving the Lord with you!