

“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others” (Philippians 2:3-4).

At Antioch we know that the single season of life is much more than a “waiting period” or a “time to play”. We want to show our singles that they provide an important role in the church…by service, by discipling others and being discipled, and by growth in particular areas where they feel called to minister. We want to build relationships between our singles and families in a manner that allows for service and leading by example.

antioch_july17_2015_web-51There are various avenues for singles to get involved at Antioch. Whether just out of high school, in college, or a young (or older!) professional…there is a place for all walks of life at Antioch. We desire our singles to be involved with whatever aspect they feel they fit best or wish to learn.

  • Worship Team: We have singles in our worship team, either singing or playing an instrument. This is a great opportunity for people to hone their musical talents while having an opportunity to help lead the congregation in worshipping the Lord.
  • Sound/Video: This avenue is perfect for a single who is looking to use their skills as a sound/video technician OR one who wants to learn more about that particular field. A great way to serve “behind the scenes” on a Sunday morning and during various other church events.
  • Nursery: Antioch’s nursery is a constant hub of babies and toddlers, and for singles who love kids, this is an ideal way to serve the body by playing with children during the sermon.
  • Church Mice: In one-month intervals, a family, couple, or single is put in charge of making sure the sanctuary is picked up after the Sunday service. A simple, but important way to serve the Lord by being a good steward of what we have been given.
  • Church Events: Throughout the year, Antioch puts on several events, and singles have always played a role in planning and executing various aspects of each occasion. Events include the Fall Festival, the Daddy-Daughter Dance, and Spaghetti Dinner Fundraisers…just to name a few. These events are a great opportunity to serve the body in a variety of ways and allow singles to use their own unique gifts and talents in ministry.
  • Men’s and Women’s Ministries: Obviously, being single at Antioch doesn’t exclude you from participating in the various Men’s and Women’s ministries. See the information on our Men’s and Women’s ministry pages.